Thank you for coming into our world. We will take you on a crazy ride. We will tell you about all of our adventures. There will be sports, camping, arguments :), pictures, strange videos etc... We hope that you feel closer to us and will let us know what you would like to see. We love you all... ENJOY!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ok sorry it has been a couple of weeks since my last post.....I'm sure you all have been jonesing for a new one. LOL

Yesterday, I was able to go with Ty on his last real elementary school field trip. It was strange to think that only a few more months and all of my boys are either graduated, in high school or in jr. high. Time has gone by so fast!

I have been "people watching" the boys more lately and it really is fun to see them grow and watch their own personalities come out. Last Sunday Ty was sitting in the kitchen with Jeremy and I and he started laughing...I can't remember why...but he couldn't stop. Dunchan came in and was sitting behind him smacking him...lovingly (ya right)....on the back of the head to get him to stop. I told Ty to just take some deep breaths, as he did that he seemed to calm down. Just as he was able to speak again, Dunchan had raised his hand to smack him again as Ty announces " I farted"...the look on Dunchan's face was priceless. I have posted the video below. That is one small example of what it is like to live in the Williams house.

Jordan and Malikk are going to football workouts Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday and are really getting in shape. Jordan thinks he is up to 190 lbs now and his goal is 200 lbs (I think) for the season. Malikk is our little monster. He puts on muscle without even trying. I am not sure of his weight, but everyone is surprised when I tell them his age.

Kaid is preparing to graduate! I am so proud of him and the man that he is becoming. I already went into that though. Sorry I don't mean to repeat myself, but a proud mama is a proud mama.

Dunchan was hoping to play baseball this year, but we were unable to find a team for him. He is playing spring basketball. He really surprised me at how well he does on the court. He is quick and tenacious. He also very calm. I love it!

Tyreese is playing spring basketball and baseball has begun. March is going to be CRAZY for us, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Victoria is doing well and we are excited that she will be coming to Utah for a couple of days in March. We miss her so much and it will be awesome to get to spend some time with her.

Well, I guess that is it for today. Have a good one everyone! Love you

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

So, normally I would post this on Wednesday, however, I found this today and couldn't wait to share it. Our boys have always been the cornerstone of our amusement, our tears, our smiles and our joy! Kaid is our adventerous one. Always pushing the envelope. He will be 18 in 57 days! The time has flown by and we missed so much of his "everyday" life. I have been so grateful to have him living with us this last year. Finally our family was complete, or so we thought. Then we get news that we have a daughter. WOW! Surprising? Yes, but we are so excited to have Victoria in our family! The point is that they are growing so fast and the time just slips away. Jeremy and I are so excited for Kaid and I know he is going to be ok. He will make mistakes, as we all do, but he has a good head on his shoulders so he will be just fine. Maybe that is me, as Mama, trying to convince myself. It is hard to think that I just got him and now he is leaving. I feel like there is still so much I want to teach him, but it is time for him to find his own way and become the Man I know he can be. So in honor of Kaid...LOL....here is a little video from a few years ago.....LOL

Kaid, we love you and are so proud of you. You bring so much joy into our lives. Thank you for allowing me into your heart and know that I will always be your safe place to fall. I love you son! 


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I have been thinking a lot about our blessings and the many people in our lives that are instrumental in my personal spiritual growth. I have very few close friends. I used to let everyone in, however, a few years ago I learned how trusting others with your friendship can really hurt. I went through some hard years battling depression (undiagnosed) and it caused my family to suffer. There were times when I wanted to walk away from my family. I thought they were better off without me. I wanted to walk away from everything I knew to be true and start over. Looking back now it seems comical! There were lessons learned. I learned that true love never stops. I am so grateful to have a man that loves me so hard that he was willing to fight for us when I didn't want to. For children who maybe didn't understand but wanted to. For my Father in Heaven who never gives up on me, no matter what I must put him through. I took this picture the other day and after looking at it, I saw something that really resonated within my soul. It is a rebirth! The sun will always come out, even through the bitter cold, it makes an appearance. My faith has had many rebirths. I think that is what faith is about. Losing it, having the courage to find it again. My family is always motivation for me to keep moving. I hope that I give some of that to them. I really wanted to vocalize that I believe in Jesus Christ, I know that what I believe can be misunderstood by others, but I hope they can look at me and know that I am real. That I care about them, that I want to be better. I know that sacrifices made by my family many years ago have entitled me to worship how I please. That I may bow my head in public if I wish and give thanks for the food in front of me. I know that my sins will be forgiven if I only ask for forgiveness. Most importantly, I know that my boys and my husband will be mine for Eternity if I only strive to live like my Savior!

Now enough of that sappy stuff:

Kaid and Jordan are playing city league basketball. Wow! They can play. I am so proud of them. They try so hard and make such a great team. I often think about how close they are and what a blessing that is. Jordan has always looked up to Kaid and Kaid has always be oblivious to it. LOL. In this last game that they played, I really paid attention to them and how much they just know where each other are and what they will do. LOVED IT

Dunchan is now playing on two teams and is doing really good. I love to see him get better.He is a monster with steals and defense! He is not afraid to be aggressive. I will post some videos soon.

Malikk is hanging out getting rested for football and has started working out with the high school. He is always the best helper around the house and is always there to help when I need him. He is getting so big and grown up! I couldn't be more proud of him!

Tyreese is keeping us busy. He is playing with the 7th grade basketball team (he is in 6th grade) and baseball has started. That makes us one of those crazy families that lives in our car. LOL. He is getting so much better and he works so hard. Yesterday he was at baseball practice and they clocked his fast ball....58 mph! They want him to get to 65 mph. He will get it! We are so lucky to have such great coaches.

Well that is it for this weekly update. I will try and get videos and more pictures next week. Until then......know that I love you and appreciate you in my life!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Being silly with my Baby!
This is a special time of year for Jeremy and I. We met January 25th 1996, we were married December 27th and were Sealed for Time and all Eternity on December 23rd. There are many opportunities for us to think about our relationship and how it has grown. I often think back to that first conversation on the phone. I hoped it would be something special. We had made plans to go out the next night. I had a few extra minutes while getting ready for work and I knew that I would not have a lot of time after work to "primp", so I curled my hair and put on my cute clothes and made sure that I would pretty much be ready to go after work. While at work, my roommate Kerri and I , noticed this cute black guy walk in the door. I have always been attracted to African Americans and so this was a treat for me! Funny thing is when he walked in, I told my roommate "I'm going to have that mans babies". Damned if that didn't happen. LOL!

 He walked over past all of us and was looking at the magazines. I got a customer and she had a huge cart full of groceries (I worked at Allen's Grocery Store). Amazingly, this gorgeous man stepped into my line. Kerri told him that she could help him (without a wait) and he said it was ok. He had a pack of gum! I have never scanned or bagged groceries so fast. Her order was $254.36, I still remember! When I got her out of the way, he walked up. I noticed he had a Letterman's jacket on and the name was Jerry. I was kind of hoping he was my date, but knew at that moment he was not. I rang him up and as he was leaving I turned to get a peek....heheheheh....and then he quickly turned back to me...I was caught. I just looked at him and smiled. He then said the words that would put our whole life together in motion..."By the way, I'm Jeremy"! I about died.

J&T during the blackout at the MMHS FB game 2012
 He picked me up that evening and we went to dinner, Burger King, I know big spender! Then he had a basketball game. It was so much fun to watch him and experience that side of him. The rest is history, but that is how we met.

J&T Fall 2012
All of this would not have been possible if not for a very dear friend. David, my best friend, met Jeremy and thought it would be a good idea for us to meet. I am forever grateful to you David for leading me to my Soul Mate. You have always had a special place in my heart.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Looking back.......

Boys 2012
It has been a while since I have posted anything and a good friend of mine has "encouraged" me to blog more often. I am up to the challenge. With some, well ok, a lot of help from her, I feel more comfortable doing so. Here it goes....

The last few months I have really been looking at our beautiful family. In doing so, I have realized just how "grown up" our kids are. It seriously feels like yesterday I was changing diapers and cleaning spit up off my shoulder. Now, Kaid graduates in a few months and Jordan is driving!!!! Malikk is itching to start driving, Dunchan will be entering high school (9th grade) and Ty is almost done with Elementary school. Time has flown by!!!! I have been looking at pictures of them when they were younger and it helps me to accept the fact that they are not my little boys anymore. But then I wondered....what do I do now?

Jeremy and I have starting taking time for ourselves so as to not be surprised when all the sudden we are empty nesters. Date night is time for us to enjoy each other and friends that we ask to join us. Movies, good food and friends, what a great way to reconnect. I would suggest it to all of the couples out there. Date your spouse!!!!! Take the time to remember why you fell in love and what you miss most about them. I have found a very loving, sensitive, supportive, funny, chivalrous man. I knew I hit the jackpot when I found Jeremy, but I didn't know how "rich" I really was until we started Dating again. Your kids will grow faster then you can imagine and will leave you wondering what you do now. Get a head start on that so that you don't have that experience. Until next time....enjoy these pictures of my "little" ones.
Boys Winter 2004


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Usual Fall Saturday

Today started early, at 5:45 am Jeremy woke me up so that we can start getting the kids up and going. We laid in bed until 6:00 am and then finally started moving. And true to form the day took off.

Jordan's game(in Springville) was exciting, as usual, and ended in a win. He likes to play fast and mean, and was called on 5 penalties.

Then it was off to Dunchans game in Salem. He did really good and makes us so proud every time he gets on the field.

Then rush back to Springville to Malikk's game. WOW, talk about drama. He was facing another Springville team and the rivalry was strong. The refs blew two very important calls and everyone was emotional. I have lost my voice from screaming, mainly at the refs. After the game Jeremy was trying to get Malikk so we could go and the coach asked him to stay and Jeremy had enough. He jumped at the coach and they started yelling at each other. The rest is history.

Jeremy was able to fix the freeze plug on the truck. We drove home and Jeremy took the truck to put gas in it. He got home and the truck died. Here we go again, right. Nope, he forgot to plug the alternator back in. HAHAHAHA!!! The truck is working and everyone is happy!!!

That sums it all up. Have a great night!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

On Call Week

Hello everyone,

We have almost made it through another on call week. Only one more day and we get to see Jeremy again. He works so hard for our family and he never feels like it is enough. We all appreciate and love him so much.

I start my new job at Namifiers on Monday, and I can't wait. I finally get to get back to REAL customer service. We will be able to start saving money again and we are hoping to take a vacation next summer to Alaska. We will see.

Football this week was rather slow. It was a JV week which means that none of the boys were able to play. JV is a game where the kids that don't normally get a lot of playing time get to be the starters. Saturday is chuck full of games though. Also we get Kaid tomorrow, so we will have a great weekend.

Jordan was invited to apply for the People to People Ambassadors program. We had the meeting last night. I was stunned that this program, which was began by Pres. Eisenhower, gets no funding from the government at all and is really expensive. Jordan told me "It's ok mom, I have no time anyway. With football and basketball, I just couldn't do it." I am so blessed to have such great understanding children. I have no doubts that he will be able to see the world one day.

I am making homemade bread and chicken noodle soup for dinner, and the bread is ready to be put in the oven. So long for now!!

With love,
Williams clan